The third hand on Shreyanka's left side has been broken.
Due to a side damage, Shriyanka Patil will not compete in the children's Asia Cup. The Asian Cricket Council stated in a media release on Saturday that the Indian bowler, age 21," sustained a fracture to her remaining hand's third hand."
Shreyanka bowled 3.2 overs and recorded a 2 for 14 in the team's final match of the game against Pakistan on Friday, taking full advantage of it. She was never needed to bird with India wrapping up the gain in 14.2 innings and seven innings to protect. Tanuja Kanwar, the unlimited 26-year-old left-arm spin who plays for Gujarat Giants in the WPL and Railways in private cricket, has been called up as alternative.
Shreyanka made her debut for India in December 2023 on the rear of remarkable achievements in the WPL. She won 13 innings this month, which is the most by any bowling, with an average of 12.07 and an economy level of 7.3, earning her a championship with Royal Challengers Bengaluru. Shreyanka has played 12 T20Is for India and has gone wicketless in just two of those activities. She has also played three international matches for her state.
Kanwar, born in Himachal Pradesh, even made a big splash in the WPL. She was bought by the Giants in 2023 for Rs 50 million. She had earlier led that auction by going on 3 for 26 for Railways in the One Day Trophy last, taking 18 innings while batting 11.16 and giving up just 2.43 works in an through. Kanwar added 10 innings from eight games for an average of 20.70 and a 7-percent business rate to wrap up the 2024 WPL season. She is renowned for a variation in which she bowls her left-arm roll from far back in the popping wrinkle.
India's second match at the female's Asia Cup is on Sunday against the UAE in Dambulla.
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