What are the vases for the 2024/25 Champions League draw?

There are still seedings involved for the 36 Champions League factors, but we have a fresh draw to get used to.

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The 2024/25 Champions League draw will remain held on Thursday, August 29 at 5pm English time as all 36 factors wait to find out who they will play in the new-look group stage of the competition.

Eight semi-random competitors will be drawn for each of the 36 attributes to encounter between September and January, with all the benefits going into a large group table to work out who goes through to the knockdowns.

With Celtic the only British team in the contest this year, England has four members in the draw. Here's what you're looking out for from the draw.


How the 2024/25 Champions League draw functions and who's in what container

In the group stage, teams never experience different sides from the same country, and nobody will enjoy more than two games against sides from any one particular country.

By way of example, that England could not experience any of Arsenal, Manchester City or Aston Villa at this stage of the game, and would only be able to face a maximum of two of the four Spanish groups.

Other than that, it will be entirely random, with the specific dates for each drawn device set to become determined after.

( With British sides in bold ): The pots for the draw are as follows.

Pot 1 Real Madrid Bayern Munich Munich Inter Bayern Dortmund Leipzig Bayern Bayern Bayern Bayern Bayern Bayern Bayern München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München München

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